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Cost & Procurement Advisory Service Pathways to Net Zero Framework

Pathways to Net Zero Framework

CPRAS understands the increasing urgency and pressure for all organisations to address or introduce Net Zero targets. We also understand the difficulty in achieving these goals without the experience, expertise or time to know the best next steps and solutions. That is where CPRAS are stepping in to help.


We have built a collaborative space for a future Framework which will enable organisations of all sizes to source products and services to efficiently meet their Net Zero targets.


How Does It Work?

We are actively engaging and vetting suppliers of eco-solutions and encouraging organisations to share their Net Zero needs, as well as any existing best practice we can all benefit from on this platform. Once the priorities are decided, everyone in the collaborative space will be able to access and engage with a CPRAS managed tender for these solutions.


There is no cost or obligation associated with joining the collaborative space.

Over 40 Eco- Solutions...

Over 40 eco-solutions are currently listed on our Outcome Focus Group collaboration space. Once registered, you will be able to click into each of these lots to see the description of the service/product, add your requirements and rate the importance of specification elements.

Cost & Procurement Advisory Service Net Zero

Unique Rating System...

Cost & Procurement Advisory Service Unique Rating System

Our Collaboration Space is designed to ensure you are able to communicate your exact requirements to our pre-vetted suppliers. That is why we have given you the option of rating each element of a product/service in how important it is to your organisation. You will also be able to suggest further features that would benefit you for the suppliers to review.

Opportunity To Suggest Lots...

We know that many organisations have already been conducting their own significant research into eco-solutions and may have found a product or service we haven't come across yet. We would love for you to share your best practice or suggestions for our Pathways to Net Zero Framework on the Collaborative Space, so we can all benefit from the best solutions.

Cost & Procurement Advisory Service Solutions

167-169 Gt Portland St. 5th Floor. London W1W 5PF

© 2024 CPRAS. All rights reserved.
CPRAS is a trading name of Card Processing Advisory Service Limited. Company number 06607806. VAT registration No. 236 6645 87. Registered as company in England and Wales, whose registered office address is 167-169 Gt Portland St. 5th Floor. London W1W 5PF .


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